Saturday, 23 May 2009

"Afternoon Tea"

This was for my Graduation Project entitled 'Afternoon Tea'. I wanted to illustrate how as a nation we have a great love for Tea and the conversations that goes with it 'A little Tea, A little Chat'. In this project I wanted to put a 21st century spin on British tradition by using everyday conversations that really occur over a 'cuppa'. To do so, I used sayings I had overheard in British Tea Rooms and Coffee Shops to produce a 'nostalgic shock'. I used the objects surfaces and shapes to reveal the information therefore making the viewer interact with the item. Furthermore, despite some of the quotes I heard being quite shocking, I still wanted the information to look as if it belonged on the object, therefore I had to ensure I captured a sense of nostalgia and luxury through the use of delicate details and 1950's colour palettes.


  1. really nice work, i particularly like the writing inside the cup! now ther's something to do when there's no more tea left! :D

  2. Thank You very much... Glad you like my work :)
