Saturday 23 May 2009

"Afternoon Tea"

This was for my Graduation Project entitled 'Afternoon Tea'. I wanted to illustrate how as a nation we have a great love for Tea and the conversations that goes with it 'A little Tea, A little Chat'. In this project I wanted to put a 21st century spin on British tradition by using everyday conversations that really occur over a 'cuppa'. To do so, I used sayings I had overheard in British Tea Rooms and Coffee Shops to produce a 'nostalgic shock'. I used the objects surfaces and shapes to reveal the information therefore making the viewer interact with the item. Furthermore, despite some of the quotes I heard being quite shocking, I still wanted the information to look as if it belonged on the object, therefore I had to ensure I captured a sense of nostalgia and luxury through the use of delicate details and 1950's colour palettes.

Friday 22 May 2009

Contextualising ‘Afternoon Tea’

Embroidered Doilies

These are also part of my 'Afternoon Tea' Project. I wanted to experiment with more traditional techniques in order to make the conversations appear much more part of the original design.

Doily Design

Also part of my 'Afternoon Tea' project. I wanted to design my own doilies to enable the text to be part of the actual object.

Business Card

In addition to my traditional Business card I wanted to produce something that was more unique and in turn related to my Project. Therefore I printed my information onto these Tea Stirrers and I am really pleased with how they have turned out.


These were produced to hand out at my exhibition. They are made from screen prints of plate patterns and sections of Doilies over fabric.

1950's Survey Book

I produced this book to display the surveys I conducted about life in the 1950's in order to contrast how the era's have developed. I used screen printing to produce the images and weathered the pages in order to make it appear more authentic.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

SOYO latebar - Sheffield

A short project that involved a Group Illustration for 'SOYO' latebar in Sheffield. The design was printed and used as wallpaper on a feature wall.

Monday 18 May 2009

'Memories' Poster

This poster was produced to support a book that I created on the subject of 'Memories'. I wanted to create a series of images that related to a memory I had for each year of my life. The images are linked together by the subtle use of a date in each design.

Book Brief

This was a book I created that coincided with the poster below. The images in the book are produced using a range of techniques such as line drawings, collage and stitch.

Saturday 16 May 2009


These designs are a response to a one week brief entitled "If you could ask God one question what would it be?". I decided to ask "If Heaven really exists, who is your favourite person there?". To illustrate this, I designed a range of Postcards with a selection of famous people on with the intention that they could be posted back with the answer.